about jim etherington
It is virtually impossible to pigeon hole the type of music Jim Etherington plays because it includes Rock, Blues, Country, Reggae and South American as well as traditional Irish, English and even Greek and it spans the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s right through to current hits.
His success over the years as a musician, performer and entertainer is in no small measure due to this amazing range of material that he can draw upon at the drop of a hat.
Whatever style, country of origin or age of music, he manages to present it in such a way that the audience can identify fully with and participate in the sound that he produces.
As well as always having played solo, he did also play with a full rock band up until 5 years ago. He found, however, that, although it was great fun, he was more restricted in the type of material he could present to audiences of mixed ages and backgrounds, so now he has full control and the freedom to produce the sounds he seems to instinctively know that the audience would be able to dance to, sing along, or simply listen to and enjoy.
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E-mail: jimonether@yahoo.co.uk
Carol Wadsworth
Great night at The Quay Wareham on New Years Eve with The Great Jim Etherington and friends!
- Jim EtheringtonNicky Taylor
Great afternoon of cracking music from Jim at The Duke of Welly.
How does he remember all the words to the hundreds of songs he must sing. Thank you Jim. Don’t ever hang up your guitar
Tina Priest
Was a lovely surprise seeing Jim at The Oddies last night ! Fabulous as always ! Look forward to your next visit !
- Jim Etherington